sum SUM =surface-to-underwater missile 舰对水下导弹[飞弹]。 n. 1.总数,总计,总额;【数学】和。 2.〔the sum〕概略,大要,要点。 3.款项,金额。 4.算术(题);运算,计算。 5.【诗】顶点,绝顶,极点。 sum remainder, product, quotient 和,差,积,商。 a sum total 总计,合计。 the sum of his opinions 他的意见的要点。 a good [considerable, round] sum一大[整]笔钱。 a large [small] sum of 巨[小]额的,大[小]量的。 be good at sums 算术好。 do [work, make] a sum(s) 计算,做算术题。 in sum大体上,一言以蔽之,总之。 the sum (and substance) 要点。 the sum of things (最高的)公共利益;宇宙。 vt. (-mm-) 合计,总计;总结,总括,概括。 vi. 总计(into, to);(法官听原告、被告陈述后)概括要点 (up)。 Contributions sums to several thousand dollars. 捐款总计达数千美元。 sum up 总计,总结;总起来说。 sum up experiences 总结经验。
The algebraic sum of the through variables associated with the edges incident to any vertex is zero . 关联于任一顶点的各边所附带的流通变量的代数和为零。
the potential of the actual cell, ae°, can then be regarded as the algebraic sum of the two half-cell potentials. 实际电池的电势AE可看作两个半电池电势的代数和。
As a result , the algebraic sum of rotatory value of related helix is not equal to zero , thus resulting in optical activity 根据这些螺旋的可极化性,可以准确地预测这类化合物的旋光方向。
Pcc takes the normal vector of a hyperplane as the projecting direction , onto which the algebraic sum of all samples " projections is maximized , such that samples in one class can be separated well from the other by this hyperplane 主分量分类器是在两类样本投影代数和最大的前提下,获得最佳投影方向(分类面法方向) ,实现样本分类。它的不足之处在于: 1
The fundamental law that is applied in this method is kirchhoff ' s first law , which states that the algebraic sum of the voltage around a closed loop is 0 , or , in any closed loop , the sum of the voltage rises must equal the sum of the voltage drop 该方法所使用的一个基本定律是基尔霍夫第一定律,该定律表述为:沿着一个封闭回路的电压代数和为0 ,或者:沿着一个封闭的回路,电压降之和等于电压升之和。